Cahue Enterprises HR Consulting


Consultants Office Related


Providing Streamlined Human Resources Business Solutions

At Cahue Enterprises, our purpose is to provide small and mid-sized businesses with streamlined human resources.

Cahue Enterprises holds the highest standards in the industry to help you with all of your human resources needs while mitigating risk by establishing and maintaining compliance with State and Federal mandated requirements as well as with the labor board. Contact us today for a consultation.

Our Advantage

Why Choose Us?

With Cahue Enterprises at your side, your business will possess the tools and strategies needed to improve your business.

  • Reduce Risk and Liability
  • Reduce Exposure
  • Ensure Compliance with State and Federal Mandated Requirements
  • Provide Guidance for Organizational Success
  • Optimize Employee Efficiency
  • Increase Revenue

Meet Our Founder:

Cahue Enterprises HR Consulting Inc was founded in December of 2016 by Elizabeth Cahue Chi, CEO and business owner. Elizabeth has a substantial background in Business Administration and Human Resources with over a decade of experience in the HR industry. Elizabeth comes from a background of administering PEO companies, which broadened her knowledge and skillset in a variety of business industries. Elizabeth developed a vision to help businesses to grow successfully and help them establish and develop a strong HR platform to reduce liability and leverage the companies to maintain a balance between employer and employees.

Elizabeth currently consults for clients ranging from 1 to as many as 500 employees that operate in multiple states and across multiple industries by providing them with customized HR support and guidance. Elizabeth currently operates in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Nevada, Texas, and Utah. She specializes in small to mid-size businesses by establishing a strong foundation of their human resources department as well as helping them achieve and maintain compliance with all state and federal mandated requirements and the labor board.

Additional Info

Business Hours : Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm


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