CQ | Cultural Intelligence: The Essential Skill of the 21st Century

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (PDT)


Cultural Intelligence for Today’s Workforce™ is designed to bring your company to the highest level of cultural intelligence. Each of our six interactive modules will move you and your team from fear to fascination in your approach to managing human difference. This transformation is proven to predict success in intercultural adjustment, cross-cultural judgment and decision making, negotiation effectiveness, gaining trust, idea sharing, collaboration and overall performance. Companies with high CQ see less attrition, higher employee satisfaction, increased team learning, and more engaged clientele.

Workshop 1 Covers: 

  • From fear of human difference to fascination: Understand why cross-cultural situations often paralyze individuals and companies with fear, and how respectful curiosity delivers increased organizational value. 
  • Learn the business case for diversity. 
  • Explore the CQ model and how it improves overall company culture, client experience, and your bottom line.

Register Here: https://bit.ly/3wtEVlT

This is 1 of 6 webinars in the series. Be sure to join us each Wednesday at 11am, from 4/21 - 5/26, 2021.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (PDT)
Educational Event
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