25th Anniversary of Temecula Winnelson
Member Spotlight Article

Photography by StylePhotohraphy by Alex Tapia
What inspired you to start this business, and how did you get started?
I had the opportunity to take over and buy into the business from a previous president who left the business. It felt like a chance to bet on me, who else would you rather bet on, invest in me and not just work for someone else. So I jumped at it.
Can you share the story behind your business name?
Ha, Winnelson is an odd name. What the heck is a Winnelson?!?!? So here's a bit of the history:
1875-In St. Louis, Nils Olaf Nelson founds the N.O. Nelson Mfg. Co. (NONCO), one of the nation’s earliest manufacturers and distributors of plumbing supplies.
1956-A group of entrepreneurs founds Primus Inc. in Dayton, Ohio.
1958-The Pueblo, Colo., branch of N.O. Nelson suffers a serious fire. Primus Inc. steps in to help, partnering with N.O. Nelson to save the Pueblo branch and establish a shared-ownership model. By the end of the year, Primus Inc. has purchased nearly all remaining N.O. Nelson assets and locations.
1960-Primus, whose first president is Dick Schiewetz – one of the founders – opens dozens of companies over the next several years, each a separate corporation under the Win brand: Winnelson, Winair, Winlectric, Windustrial, Winfastener, Winpump, Winwater, and (notably) Winsupply.It's just grown from there over the years, Winsupply INC, our parent company, now has over 640 locations nationwide in the same model.
How has your business evolved since it first opened?
I have been here for the last ten years, and we have grown from four employees to currently eleven, and almost quadrupled in sales. We've gone from a industrial focus to a residential service and repair focus with commercial plumbing thrown in for good measure.
What is the mission of your business, and how do you strive to fulfill it daily?
We focus on the professionals in the industry. Our goal is to help our customers be successful. To be more than just a supplier, but a partner in their company. When our customers prosper and are successful, so are we.
What core values drive your company, and how do they influence your operations and customer interactions?
We have a vision statement that we strive for. It is as follows:
Vision Statement: Temecula Winnelson strives to have every interaction with customers, co-workers, vendors, manufacturers, and fellow Winsupply companies result in a positive impact. We hope to improve your situation and your life one encounter at a time. Bringing us all one step closer to reaching our dreams and goals. To achieve this, we follow these simple tenants:
Be kind.
It costs nothing but effort to be thoughtful.
Be respectful.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Be honest.
Mean what you say. Do what you say.
Be positive.
Nothing is accomplished with a negative mindset.
What are the main products or services you offer, and what sets them apart from your competitors?
We are a plumbing wholesale company. We provide plumbing supplies focused on the professionals. We have will call, delivery, a hot shot service that is an emergency delivery for a small fee so the customer can stay on the job working, tool rentals, an e-commerce site, an inventory management software, and more. We sell most of the same things as our competitors, but I like to think our give a damn is better. We believe in the golden rule, and like to have a laugh while helping people. That being said, we are human, we make mistakes, but we try to make it right as soon as possible.
What steps do you take to ensure a positive customer experience?
Our team is knowledgeable, friendly, fun, and we try to over communicate. We attempt to put ourselves in the shoes of the customer.
Can you share a memorable customer success story or testimonial?
I think the one I remember the most was Dana, of Dana's Plumbing said to me that we are like Cheers. Welcoming and know your name. That was great, I loved that show!
How does your business contribute to the local community?
We participate in a program with the Murrieta school district where some of their students come work in our warehouse with teacher supervision to get people, life, and work experience. We donate to His Little Feet non profit each month who help provide shoes and socks to underprivileged children. Plus we try to have a yearly Toys for Tots drive or a collection for Animal Friends of the Valley during the holidays.
Are there any recent or upcoming community projects or initiatives you’re involved in?
We are working on the yearly drive for this Holiday, but it is not nailed down to what just yet. Stay tuned!
How important is community support to your business’s success?
Hmmm, I'm not sure really. I know as I get older, it is more important to me and our company. To be able to give back or contribute in some small way is important.
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in running your business, and how did you overcome it?
Besides having no idea what I was doing when I started and crying a lot? Probably setting aside your ego, being willing to keep an open mind to other people's input and ideas, and not thinking you got this business thing down. There is always something new, a better way, or you get complacent.
What lessons have you learned as a business owner that you’d like to share with others?
Hire smarter people than you who can cover the places in your personal and work experience where you are challenged. Business is hard, don't think that it is not. There are good days, and then there are overwhelming days. Accept it and learn from both. Empower your people. Train them in your business and culture then allow them to make decisions. Let them make mistakes and then go over the how's and why's with them on how it could be done differently next time. This allows you to learn and grow also in handling people and situations.
How do you stay innovative and keep up with industry trends?
Fortunately, our partner Winsupply INC helps with technology innovation that we can add to our toolbelt, and our vendors and manufacturers are great resources for that also.
What are your goals for the next few years, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Grow our exposure. Grow relationships. Get word out about Winnelson to our community about who we are and how we can help them with their plumbing related needs. How? By continuing to use great resources like the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, making more sales calls, and trying to be relevant and helpful to the people and businesses around us.
How would you describe your company culture?
Amazing. Fun. Loud. Helpful. Goofy.
What qualities do you look for when hiring new team members?
I made a shift a few years ago after reading the book, The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni, on hiring. I look less at skill set, we can train people on the tasks and how to do them, and more on the person. On hiring good people, with the same values we have, and that fit in with the team we have already.
How do you foster growth and development within your team?
Less yelling. More listening. Less just doing tasks myself. More explaining. More asking for input, and more of what the individual wants also. Empowering them to make decisions and help the customer better, and reviewing when there are bumps in the road.
How has your industry changed since you started, and how have you adapted?
Oh my gosh. The technological side of plumbing has gone crazy. So many innovations in heaters, tankless, everywhere in the industry. We really have to lean on the vendors and the manufacturers for that. Of course the internet too. Everyone wants an Amazon experience, so you have to step up as an organization for that. Winsupply INC has done an outstanding job on that front.
What trends do you see emerging in your industry, and how are you preparing for them?
Electric everything is a huge push in our state these days, and water consumption is always being looked at. Again, having good relations with your vendors and manufacturers is key.
What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own business or organization?
Honestly, I did not start up my own, so I am not qualified to comment on that. That's a question for some of the other courageous business owners in our community.
What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve ever received?
It's been a few. Let your business be a part of you, a representative of who you are. If you are doing it from your heart, whatever the outcome is you've done it honestly and openly. Another is people won't remember what you sold them, did for them, or what you said but they will remember how you made them feel. So build relationships. Also, it's not bragging if it's true. Don't be afraid to champion yourself, your team, or your company if you've done good and great things.
What do you think has been the key to your success?
Resilience. It's hard to own and run a company, give yourself some grace with mistakes. A good work ethic. Surrounding myself with people smarter than me. Just too dumb to quit.
How can people learn more about your business or get involved?
Check out more info section on our website. We started a podcast. We have a Youtube channel. Stop and see us.
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