Celebrating Giving Tuesday 2023
Understanding the Significance of Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that has been gaining momentum for several years now. It is a way for businesses to give back to the community while emphasizing the importance of generosity. Giving Tuesday follows Cyber Monday and is held on the first Tuesday of December. In this blog, we will discuss why Giving Tuesday is important for businesses and nonprofit organizations. We hope to convey the significance of this day so that everyone can understand the impact their contributions can make.
1. Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to engage with your audience
Giving Tuesday is a great opportunity to engage with your customers, supporters, and audience. It is a day when businesses and nonprofits can come together and raise awareness about the importance of giving back. It provides an excellent platform for organizations to showcase their philanthropic initiatives and encourage their audience to do the same.
2. Giving Tuesday shows that you care
Participating in Giving Tuesday sends a message to your audience that you are committed to the social and environmental well-being of your community. It shows that you care about more than just your profit margins and are willing to use your resources to support a good cause. This can help you nurture goodwill and build trust among your audience and stakeholders.
3. Give back to the community that supports you
If you operate a business in a community, you need to give back to the people who support you. Giving Tuesday is an excellent opportunity to do just that. You can donate money to non-profit organizations, volunteer your time and resources, or organize fundraising events to support a cause that is close to your heart. Not only does this help the community, but it also helps your business build a positive brand image.
4. Team building and good morale
Participating in Giving Tuesday is a great way to motivate your employees and help them feel good about the work they do. Involving employees in philanthropic initiatives can help build strong bonds and team spirit. This, in turn, leads to better morale, increased productivity, and happier employees.
5. Drum up support for your nonprofit initiatives
If you are a nonprofit organization, #GivingTuesday is an excellent platform to promote your cause and attract supporters. You can use social media and other marketing channels to raise awareness about your mission and encourage people to donate to your cause. Because Giving Tuesday is a global movement, you can reach a wide audience and tap into a network of people who are passionate about philanthropy.
Giving Tuesday is a unique opportunity for businesses and nonprofit organizations to come together and make a positive difference in their communities. Participating in Giving Tuesday can help businesses build strong relationships with their customers and stakeholders, while nonprofits can raise awareness about their missions and attract supporters. By embracing the spirit of Giving Tuesday, businesses and nonprofits can build a strong brand image and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Please consider supporting the TVCC Member Non-profits:
- 102.5 The Vine - KGGN-FM www.1025thevine.org
- All From the Heart www.AllFromTheHeart.org
- American Cancer Society Discovery Shop http://cancer.org
- American Heart Association www.heart.org
- Animal Friends of the Valleys-LEAF www.AnimalFriendsOfTheValleys.com
- Assistance League of Temecula Valley www.TemeculaValley.AssistanceLeague.org
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Temecula https://www.iebigs.org/
- Birth Choice of Temecula https://friendsofbcc.org/
- Boojum Institute dba Outdoor Adventures by Boojum www.Boojum.org
- Boys & Girls Club of Southwest County www.bgcswc.org
- Braille Institute brailleinstitute.org/riverside
- The Bridge Church www.TheBridgeChurch.tv
- Bridges Community Services, Inc. www.bridgescommunityservices.com
- California Family Life Center www.CFLCKids.org
- Celebrity Foundation for Children www.celebrityfoundation.com
- Charity for Charity www.CharityforCharity.org
- Community Mission of Hope & Rancho Damacitas www.CommunityMissionofHope.com
- Dorland Mtn Arts Colony, Inc. www.DorlandArtsColony.org
- Elizabeth Hospice www.ElizabethHospice.org
- Exceed www.WeExceed.org
- Fallbrook Food Pantry www.fallbrookfoodpantry.org
- Farmers Market Mgt. Co, Inc. https://www.myfarmersmarkets.com/
- Foundation for Senior Care www.FoundationForSeniorCare.org
- Good Samaritan Community Food Pantry – Temecula https://www.goodsamaritancommunity.org/
- Green Acres Interactive Therapy www.GaitProgram.org
- Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley http://www.HabitatIV.org
- Holocaust Remembrance Foundation of the Valley https://hrfv.org/
- Honoring USA Heroes http://www.honoringusaheroes.org
- Hospice of the Valleys www.HospiceOfTheValleys.org
- Hugs Foster Family Agency, Terra Manor, Inc. www.HugsFFA.org
- Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House https://rmhcsc.org/inlandempire
- Jacob's House www.JacobsHouseTemecula.org
- JDS Creative Academy https://jdscreativeacademy.org
- Kamali'i Foster Family Agency, Inc. www.Kamalii.org
- Kenai's House, Inc www.kenaishouse.org
- Kiwanis Club of Temecula Valley https://kiwanistv.org
- LifeStream www.LStream.org
- Living Free Animal Sanctuary https://living-free.org/
- Make Music Temecula www.makemusictemecula.org
- Michelle's Place, Cancer Resource Center www.MichellesPlace.org
- MilVet http://www.milvet.org
- Navy League of the United States Inland Empire Council https://www.navyleague.org/news/council/inland-empire-council/
- Neighborhood Healthcare http://www.NHCare.org
- Oak Grove Center www.OakGroveCenter.org
- Oak Grove Center Culinary Creations https://www.culinarycreationsoakgrove.org
- Old Town Temecula Association www.OldTownTemecula.org
- Police & Fire: The Fallen Heroes www.thefallenheroes.org
- Professional Women's Roundtable www.pwronline.org
- Project Touch www.ProjectTouchOnline.com
- Rady Children's Health Services http://www.rchsd.org
- Riverside County Office of Education www.rcoe.us
- Riverside Sheriffs' Association www.RCDSA.org
- Riverside Transit Agency www.RiversideTransit.com
- Rolling for a Cause www.rollingforacause.com
- The Rotary Club of Old Town Temecula
- Rotary Club of Temecula http://rotarycluboftemecula.com/
- SAFE Family Justice Centers https://safefjc.org/
- Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School www.sjdls.com
- Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary http://www.saleranch.org
- Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation http://www.SRPNEF.org
- Shakespeare in the Vines www.shakespeareinthevines.org
- Shella Foundation, The www.ShellaFoundation.org
- Special Olympics Southern California Temecula Valley Area https://www.sosc.org/inlandempire
- Speech and Language Development Center www.sldc.net
- STAT Horse Sanctuary http://www.STAThorseSanctuary.org
- Te Ori Mana, Inc. https://www.teorimana.org
- TEDxTemecula www.TEDxTemecula.com
- Temecula Children's Music Foundation TemeculaChildrensMusicFoundation.org
- Temecula Citizen Corps www.CityOfTemecula.org/TCC
- Temecula Dollars for Scholars www.Temecula.DollarsForScholars.org
- Temecula Lions Club
- Temecula Mountain Lions Rugby Club www.temecularugby.com
- Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club www.TemeculaSunriseRotary.com
- Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival www.tvbwf.com
- Temecula Valley Educators Association (TVEA) www.TVEducators.org
- Temecula Valley Historical Society www.TemeculaHistoricalSociety.org
- Temecula Valley Museum Inc www.TemeculaValleyMuseum.org
- Temecula Valley Players www.TemeculaValleyPlayers.com
- Temecula Valley Rose Society www.TemeculaValleyRoseSociety.org
- Temecula Valley Symphony www.TemeculaValleySymphony.org
- Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association www.TemeculaWines.org
- Temecula Valley Woman's Club www.tvwc.com
- Temple Beth Sholom https://www.tbstemecula.org
- The Wildfire Conservancy wildfireconservancy.org
- Toward Maximum Independence www.TMI-Inc.org
- TPS Foundation (Temecula Preparatory School) www.TPSFoundation.org
- Trauma Intervention Program www.tipswrc.org
- Veteran's Supplemental Support Network www.vetsupportnet.org
- Visit Temecula Valley www.VisitTemeculaValley.com
- Voices for Children www.speakupnow.org
- W Sherman Winseman Foundation www.wsw-foundation.com
- WAVES Project, Inc. http://wavesproject.org
- Western Eagle Foundation westerneaglefoundation.org