How the Economic Development Coalition’s Pre-Location Assistance Program Can Help Your Business
Recruit and retain great employees while making sure they feel welcomed
Recruiting top talent is one of the largest and most persistent concerns of companies across the country. The cost and time associated with the recruitment process is significant and employers want to know that their investment in a potential employee is worth it. The Economic Development Coalition (EDC) recognizes this need as a critical component in growing and strengthening our local economy.
To help our business community overcome some of these challenges, the EDC has developed a Pre-Location Assistance Program. The Program is designed to make it easier for organizations to recruit and retain great employees and help retain them by integrating them and their families into our region. The goal is to help reduce the time, cost, and frequency of hiring for our local companies and help new transplants to the area love their new home here in the region.
As part of this program, the EDC is launching an initiative to help find employment and community connections, when needed, for spouses or partners of prospective employees.
How it Works:
If you are an EDC member, you may participate in the Pre-Location Assistance Program. It is designed to assist in the recruitment of positions that are otherwise difficult to fill locally. Examples may include technical, specialized, experienced, or managerial positions.
The EDC will send the prospective employee and their partner/spouse an intake form that will help us connect them to all the information that is important in their unique decision to relocate. Do they have school-aged kids and need information about school options? Are they looking for a community with specific recreational opportunities? Are they looking for help connecting with community groups and service organizations?
By participating:
- You may submit the resume of a spouse or partner of a new employee at your organization who will be relocating here, or has relocated here and started working for your organization recently (the last three months) to the EDC.
- The EDC will send the resume to all members who have opted to participate.
- When you receive a resume through the Pre-Location Assistance Program, you agree to provide a “priority review” of a spouse or partner’s resume.
- You must opt into the program to participate. Contact information remains confidential.
If you are interested in participating or would like to learn more, please email Connie Stopher, EDC Executive Director at cstopher@edcswca.com
If you’d like to see who’s hiring check out some SoCal Jobs opportunities.