All From the Heart
Non-Profits Active Military/Veteran
Who We Are:
All From the Heart is an all volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2004 to honor local military families. The organization was started by five patriotic individuals that have a passion for giving back to those who have given so much for our freedoms.
What We Do:
Through our Annual Support Our Troops Events, Wheels for Warriors Program and V.E.T (Veteran Equine Therapy) program we strive to improve the lives of active military, veterans and their families.
Who We Serve:
The active military and veterans we support primarily live in the Temecula Valley but we have also been able to help individuals all the way from Barstow to San Diego. Our motto printed on the sleeves of last year’s Support Our Troops shirts we sell to raise funds is to “Honor All Who Serve”. This is what we strive to do each and every day.