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Anita's Custom Tailoring

Anita's Custom Tailoring


Tailor|Dry Cleaning|Sewing Services Merchant Services


My Journey:

The world of reality has its limits – my world of imagination is boundless!

My hobby as a young girl was sewing doll clothes for my friends and I made them from scraps of materials. My mother was my biggest inspiration, being a seamstress herself.

My favorite classes in school were the home science and hand embroidery. My first project was a pillow case with Sweet Dreams hand embroidered with far too many color threads. Continued with the same ambition in high school, aced in my favorite class and accumulated numerous certificates. Soon progressed to learning how to read paper patterns, making adjustments, and sewing the outfits with different types of seams, fabric formations, sleeves, collars, darts, zipper applications, making button-holes, different types of bodices, skirts and pants. I taught myself the basics for pattern drafting, constructions by reading books from the library and got my accreditation from the British Institute of Dressmaking.

In the 90’s I worked for a garment factory, Le Stud, as their chief designer. The products manufactured were for the mass markets such as T-shirts, polo shirts, joggers in plain and screen printed for men, leggings with short, medium and long matching tank tops/tee tops in plain and prints for women, girls dresses, oh my! I had fun with ribbons, feathers, frills and laces. The dresses were mass produced at their sister factory. For the boys I created geometrical designs for the shorts and t-shirts line. I loved my work!

As I approach the fabulous fifties club what better way to celebrate life in doing what I love most – sewing and making dreams come true!


Additional Info

Business Hours : Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm; Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm


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