Stonehouse Insurance
Our mission at Stonehouse Insurance Services is grounded in the phrase, “Uberrima Fides” which is Latin for the term “always faithful”. The phrase actually derives from the ancient insurance contractual term for being faithful in all insurance agreements. In understanding the history, and priority of insurance in the world, we chose this phrase to be on our company crest, located on our logo, reading “Uberrima Fides”. From our company name, “Stonehouse”, to our crest, we believe what a company lays as their foundation, determines who they are. This motto, is our foundation, it is our life blood as an agency, and it is our promise to you. We believe in the foundational principle of life, to treat others as you desire to be treated, and then go an extra step or two above that. We believe that mission transcends all things, including how we do business, and how we serve your individual insurance needs each and every day. Your individual, family, and business success, security, and your peace of mind, is our number one mission.
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